Our lives are more or less framed in this pattern ..."Chalk- Pencil and Pen" ... think about it ..
We start our education with "hathe khori " writing with chalk on a slate ... which can be erased very easily. The reason behind , a child starting to write with a chalk is , one , as a child you are expected to make mistakes , you are expected to learn from those mistakes and improve on your writing skills .. we get to save the slate too .. hence there's hardly anything that one looses out on by writing as slate .. there's no consequence of going wrong here ... as a child you don't really have to take responsibility or face consequences of your actions .....
Then we graduate to Pencil .... the writing is kind of permanent , until you choose to erase it ... you can use an erases and may be use the same paper / sheet twice or thrice. The more you write the pencil gets blunt and you have to use a sharpener and very gradually we use up the pencil ... the paper too over few times of erasing tears away .. here .. we are allowed to go wrong a few times post which we have to face consequences ... we are expected to learn from the chalk phase and become better at dealing with life and making better decisions ... the burden of responsibility is not much but it definitely is telling enough abt the next phase in life .....
Thats the Pen phase ... and it ends with the pen phase .... pens /inks more expensive ... the sheet you write on can not be reused ... you have to think twice & thrice before you write with a pen ... the permanency of life ... the life changing decisions you make .. the people you hurt... the list just goes on .... you are expected to take all the right decisions ... you are expected to deal with life correctly... you are expected to Carry the baggage of responsibilities...
wondering abt , graduating to computers .. think about it .. we still take wrong print outs and waste paper and ink .. we do have the option of cntrl Z ... but we still have to make a choice and hit Cntrl S at some point ... cntrl S is the point where you make the choice and you are expected to make choice which is right by all ... you are expected to deal better with life...
Chalk- pencil -pen ... isn't it kind of eerie ... !!
that's like a corporate!
wats coporate abt it ?
atleast here we are not using any oabove.
happy friendship day.f
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